Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Back in the Saddle

Today was the first day in 4-6 months I biked. Not a lolly-gagging spin on the trainer for 15 minutes, but an actual get dressed in the bike clothes, shoes, beanie and gloves and head out to Hains Point for a few loops. I tried to do this on Sunday but was thwarted because of a road race going on at the point of HP and through West Potomac park. So I rode there for about 4 minutes trying to figure out what to do then decided to just go home. At least I tried. Today I went out determined to do 5 loops at HP but when I got there and realized I was underdressed for the wind I figured 3 loops would do just fine. I had my iPod on to keep me midly entertained and I was the only biker out there which was nice so no one could see me dying. It wasn't bad at all and I forced myself to take it easy and just spin my legs, while the thoughts were spinning in my head of taking the last 2 years off from triathlon and when I might do another IronMan race. It was a low key ride which was exactly what I was aiming for as well as possibly finding the spark to get me back on the bike more often.

Fitting - Queen: Bicycle Race

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